Moving house is a big step in your life, so you want to make sure you’ve planned it properly. Choosing which day of the week you’re going to move house is an important part of getting everything right. There are a couple of things to weigh up when choosing your moving day, such as convenience, ability and price. Let’s go through these options and try to figure out what the best day is for you to move house.

Weekends or weekdays?

This is a huge question when deciding which day you should move house. Weekdays may be great if you can get work off, but weekends are certainly more convenient. Weekdays tend to be a bit cheaper for hiring movers, as they’re less in demand than on weekends. Weekdays also have the upper hand when it comes to traffic – provided you move the stuff after 9am and before 5pm that day. We all know how crazy weekend traffic can be with kids’ sport, recreation and other events happening on Saturdays and Sundays.

Weekends, however, do have a couple of advantages. In most cases, you won’t have to take work off if you move house on a weekend, saving you a bit of annual leave for when you want to take a holiday. You may be able to get a lot of the setting up of your house completed on the Sunday if you move your stuff on the Saturday. This is another bonus of moving on a weekend – you won’t be living in a house full of boxes throughout your working week.


Fridays can be an ideal day to move houses. If you can get work off on the Friday, you can use the entire day to move house and then dedicate your weekend to unpacking boxes, setting up the TV and getting used to your new home. It also means you don’t have to work on Friday… which is pretty damn sweet!


Want to start your week off with a fresh new feeling? Moving houses could be just the thing to do it. This way, you can spend the rest of the week thinking about where to put your things, how to rearrange the furniture and all the other fun stuff.

Still stuck on which day you should move houses? Give the team at New Zealand Movers a call. They’ll be able to help you structure your move to a T, ensuring that you’ve got plenty of time to unpack and settle in. They also offer some of the best moving services in NZ, getting you across the street or across the island with zero stress.

For a great move at a great price, get a quote from New Zealand Movers and set your wheels in motion today.

What Is The Best Day Of The Week To Move House