Are movers and packers working right now?

Are movers and packers working right now?

COVID-19 has brought some big changes to our lives. Working, socialising and, thankfully, keeping a few extra metres away from that one bloke on the bus who really needs a Lynx Africa pack this Christmas.

But if you’re moving houses, then that brings a whole other range of questions to which you’re probably itching to know the answers. Are you able to get professional help with the move? Are there travel restrictions affecting you? Are you going to need to fill out a bazillion different forms in the process?

Well, here’s your essential checklist with 4 easy steps for moving and packing during COVID.

Read the full article below.

1. Find out the your COVID guidelines

Every country has different COVID-safe rules to the next. In New Zealand the whole country is at Alert Level 1. This means you there are no additional restrictions on moving house, viewing properties, or maintenance and inspections. Whereas, if you’re moving to somewhere like France or England, then you maaaay have slightly more difficulty. Just a tad.

2. Call the experts

Getting in contact with your moving and packing company is a big one. Why? Because they’re the ones who know how the local COVID-safe laws affect their business. Yes, it’s super difficult to navigate each and every rule on your own, but ‘with a little help from your friends’, it gets way easier. You’ll find most businesses are across the COVID rules that specifically affect them. Movers and packers know their guidelines for moving and packing while florists, for example, know their guidelines for florist-ing… florist-izing? Whatever, you get it.

3. Keep up-to-date

The tough thing about moving restrictions during COVID is that the rules are changing constantly… Rapidly… All. The. Damn. Time. There’s not much point doing a week’s worth of research on COVID laws, if you’re moving in 6 months’ time. Heck, even 6 days is enough to change the landscape of your moving plans. The best way to keep on top of this is to find out the rules, and do daily checks and searches to see if they’ve changed for the better or the worse.

4. Breathe.

You know the old adage about the three most stressful life occurrences… death, divorce and moving houses. While it’s easy to lose your head over moving during COVID, hiring a great moving company will ensure the process is as smooth as possible. You can also seek help from a partner, lean on your friends for support, or just buy chocolate! That usually helps.

So, now it’s in your hands. It’ll be tricky: frustrating, even. But not impossible. Follow these guidelines and you’ll be finding yourself sitting in your new place with a flute of champagne with minimal hassle.

New Zealand Movers Dunedin
New Zealand Movers